How Deep Actually the Ocean Is?

✌ The Ocean covers 71% of the Earth surface while the ocean harbor 99% of all living space on Earth and have enough water to fill a bathtub that's 685 miles long one each side of it. So let's dig in to the Topic ✌ 

The Sunlight Zone

The 1st milestone is at 40 meters below the surface which is the maximum depth allowed for scuba divers. A little further down at 93 meters is where the wreck of the Lusitania was discovered. Which is more interesting because the Lusitania itself is 240 meters which means.. that it sank in a shallower water than it's length. 💭

Just slightly deeper than that which means 100 meters, is where diving can be seriously fatal is you're not careful because of decompression sickness 😵 in a fact, that didn't stop the Austrian free diver
Herbert Nistch to accomplish the free diving world recorded at a depth of 214 meters the Twilight Zone. This guy swam down to this level with just one single breath. 

But in a fact he wasn't the only guy to risk he's life, a little further deep down at 332 meters, we have the scuba diving world record which was accomplished by another guy named Ahamed Gabar. 😱

If he had swam down another 111 meters then he would have reached the height of the Empire state building if it was submerged underwater. And at a little further than that 500 meters below the surface, we arrive the maximum dive of Blue whales, the largest creature on the planet and also limit of the US Seawolf Class Nuclear Submarine. 

At 535 meters we can witness the maximum dive depth of Emperor Penguins. And this one we must bring up the intensity of water pressure. At this level below the surface , the water pressure exerted on a person or a penguins would be roughly equivalent polar bear standing on a coin. So further down the depths at 830 meters would be the height of of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest building in the world. 

Midnight Zone 

Once we hit 1000 meters below the surface we begin to enter the Midnight Zone. Light from the surface no longer can be reached beyond this point. So the rest of the ocean below is a pit of permanent darkness. One top of that the water pressure you would experience at this point would be about the same as if you were standing on planet Venus.. I mean that you would die within a second if you go there 😅. You would also meet the Giant squid at this sea level if the water pressure didn't already kill you. At 1280 meters we reach the maximum depth dived to, by the Leatherback sea turtle. And further deep down at 2000 meters we start to see some of the more terrifying sea creatures like the ominously named Black Dragonfish, A carnivorous beast with a stomach that doesn't allow light to emitted through it. Meaning that they are in total darkness underwater at this point the only way you would ever see this thing is with a flash light and a ROVs or a AUVs. 

A little further down at about 2250 meters.. we would reach the maximum depth dived to by both Sperm whales and the very frightening Colossal Squid.


Sperm whale often has sucker marks and scars left on their bodies after from battles with the Colossal squid that likely to take place in great depths like this. The Squids themselves can grow to be 14 meters long and weigh's up to 750 
kilograms with eyes, the size of a dinner plate and razor-sharp sickles in the middle of their tentacles..😰😵 Way further down at 3800 meters, we can find the wreck of the RMS Titanic. 

Abyss and the Trenches Zone 

And a bit past that at 4000 meters, we start to enter the Abyssal zone of the ocean. In this depths the water pressure is at an astonishing 11,000 pounds per square inch. There are numerous strange, almost like alien like creatures that inhabit these depths, such as Fang tooth, Angler tooth and the Viper fish. Down at 4267 meter is the average depth of the ocean you would normally expect to hit the floor. But there are some parts of the ocean that goes significantly deeper than even this. At 4791 meters, rests the wreckage of the battleship  Bisamrk sunk during the World war 2. 

Hadal Zone 

And way down at 6000 meter's is the beginning of the Hadal Zone, named after the God of the underworld Hades himself. In here the water pressure is at about 1100 times than in the surface. Down at these depths you would be crushed immediately without any outside protection. But life still exists down here in various forms. At 6500 meters we reach the maximum depth that the DSV Alvin can dive to, a popular research submarine that helped to discover the RMS Titanic. Much further down at 8848 meters below the surface and we have arrived at the height of Mountain Everest, were to be upside down and placed underwater. And then way further past even at 10,898 meters, we arrive at the depth reached by Jams Camron in 2012 during the Deep is Challenger mission. The deepest of the ocean yet reached by humans was back in 1960 when 2 men Don Walsh and Jacques Piccard reached a depth of 10,916 meters depth using their Trieste Submarine. It took 5 hours to descend through the ocean to this depth, and they could only stay there for 20 minutes before a window cracked and they began to resurface. Just a bit further down from there at 10,972meters we've reached the average flight altitude of a commercial airliner. Finally when we hit 10,994 meters we have hit the bottom of the ocean we know, called the challenger deep.

However, it is believed that there are almost certainly even deeper parts of the ocean than this that's just haven't been discovered yet. It is estimated that only about 5% of the ocean's floor has been accurately mapped, leaving other 95% to be currently a mystery. 😲😲😲😲😲😲 


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